Amulet of the Empty Hearted
Artifact, Wonderous item (requires attunement by evil creature)
The chain hangs from the neck of a hooded figure, he swings the long blade and brings it down upon the prisoner. After beheading the victim, the soul is trapped and stored into the amulet, never finding salvation passed the veil.
Sleeping State
The amulet has 8 charges, regaining 1d6+2 charges at dawn.
Permanent Death (1 Change) : Upon dealing the killing strike to a creature, the user may expend the energy of the amulet to have them automatically fail all three death saves.
Eradicate Life (2 charges): Approaching a good aligned creature, the user may bestow a deathtouch to one. When the creature regains health, they must succeed a Wisdom Saving Throw DC 15, or lose the amount instead of healing. This effect lasts until the creature takes a long rest.
[The Amulet of the Empty Hearted has three states: Sleeping, Awaken, and Elevated.
The latter two will not be shared for the purpose of an ongoing campaign]